Healthy Cockers
Taking care of your Cocker Spaniel, requires no more regular grooming as our regular grooming,
We brush our teeth every day, not too much difference with a cocker Spaniel; it’s all preventative maintenance health practice.
Without maintaining your pets health will keep your dog in tip top shape and your wallet full.
Here are some of the known causes with the Spaniel breed.
Dental comes to mind first and most important, I have in the past spent several thousands of dollars on some of our rescue Cockers, especially if they are over four, by this time there is tarter build up and its has been known to flare up a tumor or worst on the gum line or even in the mouth and with this being said, the end result usually ends up with the poor little Cocker with little to no teeth at all. Once the dog reaches the vet, regardless of any specials they are advertising that may be listed from any vet if you’re not keeping close watch over Cocker spaniel you’re in for a rude awakening . It’s when a tooth will need to be extracted, the issue is THE TOOTH, and each tooth has its own price. Yikes
Ear issues, again, dogs with heavy floppy ears generally come in with the warmer seasons. Again without preventative maintenance chances are likely the dog will end up with and mild to a serious ear infection.
Regular grooming of your Cocker Spaniel will keep the dog happy and you happy, ear infections can lead to a nice little chunk of change out of your wallet. Keep the ears clean and dry.
Here is what to look for if your Cocker shows signs of ear infection.
Shaking of head, digging with its paws, usually followed by moaning, rubbing the head on the floor and or other favored furniture assemblies.
And then there is the horrible smell. That is when it becomes too late. See your veterinarian.
Hip issues, another known issue with the breed, (it is also know in a lot of your larger breeds i.e. German Shepherds, Great Danes) you can begin a regimen of glucosamine with MSN , mostly found in any drug store and or grocery store, you may want to consult for veterinarian to confirm. Again around the middle age of the Cocker you’ll want to keep up the cartledge, without it the pain is horrendous, little to no activity and a lot of limping.
You can talk with your Vet and find what work best for your Cocker Spaniel.
Insurance, when one of our Cockers are going into a new home, Its is encouraged that if a dog is over 5+ to look into insurance. In the long run it may be in the best interest for both parties.